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I believed that what you had been inspired during primary school time will affect who you are now, even though you are smart or stupid. There is one I respected most in my primary school time, he inspired me as who am I now, stories begins like this.

When I was in primary school, I used to get 0 marks for my mathematics exam (believe it or not, until now i still could not figure out how I score that mark). Everyone was mocking at me that time, as I'm the only student literally bad in everything. English, Bahasa Melayu, Science, and I hate the most, Mathematics. I could not even reach the borderline of passing grade always below 20 marks.

Mr Fong was my headteacher since from my 5th to 6th year. He knew the situation where I literally 'tak boleh' in everything. But he never gave up on me, Actually I been 'Teguh' by him a lot of time because I did a lot of stupid stuffs in my primary school time, for example, teacher asks us to bring a small light bulb and a normal battery for science experiment, turns out I brought a 15 watts light bulb from home and a 9V battery, I bring it to the main power of the whole school. Then that's the time I got scolded really hard. But Mr Fong never gave up on me. He always using nice and warmth voice to ask me "What is going on wrong? James". I did not respond as I know something going not right. I was really shy during that time, Mr Fong insist to teach me the right thing and always using that voice to ask me. 

Turns out I never pass every exam. Mr Fong said to me"Try harder on next time, you shall know the difference in the end." I guess that is the reason why he did not give up on me. I never gave up too, I was been inspired by "Try harder on next time". I bought a lot of exercise to brush up my mathematics and so on. Days goes on, he putting efforts on me, teaching me with real scenarios, being patience and wait for his 'difference' to come. Until the UPSR result comes out, I got no A's in my result, But I miraculously got pass in my mathematics, I never even reach the borderline of pass, It turns out I passed. Mr Fong and I got the difference to the end already. But I still did not pass my Bahasa Melayu and been send to remove class during secondary school time.

Where that time I was using his words as my motto "Try harder on next time, you shall know the difference in the end." Turns out I scored 3As in my PMR and 5As in SPM. I even discovered what my interests are. Became a real successful person. I am in my second year of Degree in Software Engineering right now. If I did not inspired by Mr Fong, I would not become who I am right now. This is why I start to become a part time music teacher and a part time secondary school tutor.

I really want to thank Mr Fong as never giving up on me and inspired me as who am I now. Thank you. To those who is reading this, Thank you for reading a part of my life story and remember never give up on something you are really looking for it. 

"Try harder on next time, you shall know the difference in the end." - Mr Fong