This story is about how my teacher taught us that who we are speaks louder than anything. Each and everyone of us are unique. We just don't realise it.
This happened when I was in standard 6. Now I'm an undergraduate in Universiti Malaysia Sabah. So, my teacher, Cikgu Jayanthi gave us a project to work on. She asked us to come up with 5 recognition ribbons. Like for instance, a ribbon with a 'you are a creative genius' label. We are required to give the ribbons to people we know, stating their best strength. Then, we're supposed to record their response.
So, we were all working on it. I came up with ribbons like' you are so caring', ' you are born genius', and so on. So all of us managed to complete our project. This project didn't seem to be a big deal for me.
Until one fine day, Cikgu Jaya asked us about the responses and experiences when working with the project. One of my classmate came up to her in class, tears flowing on his cheeks and his eyes were swollen. He said, he never knew he was worthy all these days. His father passed away at a very young age, he grew up with his single mother, and he never ever thought of completing his education. He wanted to help his mother, to work with her. She sells 'kuih' by the road side. He would help her at times. He also would cook for his younger brother and sister at home. He would bring some food for his friends at times. When one of his friend gave him a recognition ribbon saying 'you are the strongest, most independent and the most caring friend', he couldn't contain his happiness and tears.
This might seem a no big deal for many. But for him, a small appreciation gave him the strength and motivation for him to strive more in his life. He is now a chef in a restaurant in Kulai, Johor.
So, then Cikgu Jaya told us, appreciate every one in life, and make sure you let them know. You won't know how much of an impact it is for them. We, humans tend to rely on self-worthiness, which is not a bad thing. So, let us all help each other, show love to everyone. A single gratitude can change a person's Life. A single gratitude.
I cannot contain my tears at that moment. Gratitude, is something that we all tend to forget about. We need more inspiring lessons like this in life.
Cikgu, you deserve this award.
Thank you for every valuable lessons.