
Mdm Lao Soo Poo

From SMK Munshi Sulaiman

Mdm Lao Soo Poo's photo

Nominated by jenise chan poh ee

I’m a student who take Additional math in Spm Exam. During my form 4, I’m able to get more than 30 out of 40 marks every exam. Therefore, I thought that to pass Add math in my Spm is not difficult. But my thought is too immature. At the first half year of my Form 5, My Add math result was dropping non-stop, I was about to give up by that time. I told my teacher that I wanted to give up my add math, but my teacher told me not to give up easily, and to focus on parts that I’m good in. That time I really wanted to tell my teacher that I cannot but I realised that my teacher kept on encourage me to do it, so why don’t I give it a try? Because of this, I finally step into the exam hall. The first sight I got from my teacher is full of encouragement and hope, I really don’t want to disappoint my teacher. I really appreciate my teacher for not giving up me and giving me the courage to face my Additional math, you are the one who helped me find my self-confidence back. Lastly but not least, thank you for being me teacher.