
Mrs Winnie Lim Li Sze

From SMK Damansara Jaya

Mrs Winnie Lim Li Sze's photo

Nominated by Rachel Chua Yun Wen

Pn Winnie was my Physics teacher for two years. To be honest, originally, Physics was the subject that I hated the most as I thought it was just not my cup of tea. Little did I know that after she became my Physics teacher, I came to like Physics as she basically made the subject fun and easy as a whole. I believe that without her, I would not know, until now, about the interesting and fun part of Physics. To me, she is the best Physics teacher ever. She is the one who made Physics "alive" through her way of teaching. Pn Winnie can be described as the most approachable and dedicated teacher through my secondary years of life. Whenever I faced a trouble in understanding a certain concept in Physics, she would, without fail, communicate and guide me patiently, step by step, until I fully understand that particular concept. For these, I am really grateful towards her. More to that, I am even more grateful to God for giving me such a golden opportunity to be able to become her student in my life. She is definitely more than well-deserved to get this honour of becoming one of the "inspirational teachers" as she really did, inspired not only me, but as well as other people who have been her students. To be frank, without her, I would definitely not have gotten an A for my Physics in SPM. Pn Winnie is definitely the reason, other than my hard work, who aided me in my achievements. For that, I really hope that her name gets to be on the board of "inspirational teachers" as she is one of them.